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Touch the Earth and Harvest with Gratitude

naked Hill draws inspiration from its natural surroundings and designs a series of fun indoor and outdoor activities, bringing you to feel a close connection with the spirit of nature.

Collage Making

Gifted with natural sceneries, naked Hill is a fruitful land with full of distinctive trees and vegetation. Sprouts in spring, blossoms in summer, fallen leaves in autumn, and snow flakes in winter, the beauty of each season can be incorporated into artistic creations.

Creative Grain Art

Colorful grains carry the joy of harvest, while kids' imagination brings magic and loads of fun. Creative grain art can be one of the most interesting activities at naked Hill.


naked Hill has planted a variety of fruits and vegetables, allowing guests to personally enjoy the pure and joyful experience of rural life. Guests can witness the life cycle of these natural gifts and taste them in the form of jams and dishes, truly feeling the beauty and bounty of nature.